This movie turned out better than I thought it would be. It's a fast paced fun action movie that was filled with a good amount of humor. Angelina Jolie and Morgan Freeman did a good job, and so did Common..even though he only had a few lines. Two things I didn't: The actor of the younger kid, and the end. If they had someone else play the kid I would've like the movie a lot more. I'm not sure if I didn't like the story of the end, or the execution..but something about it I didn't like. But despite those two fairly big factors, I still enjoyed the movie overall. Worth the watch. Watching in theaters will also make this movie a lot better.
Another good movie. Like Wanted, the more trailers I saw for the movie, the lamer I thought it would be. But both movies managed to prove me wrong. This isn't a kids movie at all. Will Smith added another notch to his belt with this movie. This movie is filled with everything from action to humor to drama. Will Smith, Jason Bateman and Charlize Theron do a good job letting the audience in and becoming emotionally attached to them. Even though they're two completely different types of movies, I think this one was better than Wanted. This movie also gets bonus points from me for using The Roots in the soundtrack. Worth the watch in theaters, even though the theater atmosphere and big screen don't really add much to the movie.
Now I just need to see Wall-E and maybe Get Smart.
This summer has been filled with good movies so far...These two, Iron Man, Hulk wasn't too bad, I'm hoping Get Smart is good, Wall-E has gotten nothing but good reviews, and there's still more movies to come..Dark Knight, Hellboy 2, Righteous Kill Pineapple Express, Step Brothers and some more I can't think of :O
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