Friday, December 19, 2008

Seven Pounds

I was able to watch Seven Pounds today. This review it going to be hard for me, because I feel like the less you know going into the movie, the better. The trailers don't really tell you what the movie is about, except that it's a fairly serious movie with a pretty good cast. I guess I'd say it's about Will Smith trying to fix things, in many different ways.

On a semi-side note, usually as movies get closer to their release date, the trailers reveal more and more of the movie's plot. This held true for this movie, and for the most part I don't agree with that decision. Although they don't give too much away, I think the 'mystery affect' is part of whats drawing the consumers to the movie. I know several people who have said 'Oh that movie looks good.' But don't even know what it's about. The only reason I can see them doing it is for marketing purposes. By creating a mystery movie, they're counting on sales that mainly come from the start power involved, not because the movie sounds/looks interesting. By revealing more of the story, you bring in an audience who wants to know what happens.

Anyways, onto the review. I really liked the cast, and thought they all played their parts well. Will Smith said it was his darkest role yet, and I agree with him. His character in this is semi-typical..a fairly strong male saving the universe. Well, maybe not the entire universe..but saving people. He's able to showcase his acting ability in almost all areas in this movie from happiness to hate. Rosario Dawson also does a good job. I haven't seen too many of her movies, but I thought she did a good job diving into the role of her character. I was definitely able to get attached to her character in the movie. And on a side note: Rosario Dawson is hot.

The story/structure of the movie was kind of confusing in the beginning to me. There were a few flashbacks shown, which I didn't realize were flashbacks til later on. I think the beginning is the only time when it's better to know part of the overall story, or at least what should be going on in the first few scenes. Besides that, the movie flows well, and Will Smith and Rosario Dawson take you on an emotional ride. There are many bittersweet moments, that tear at your emotions.

I liked the soundtrack as well..besides two songs. One song sounded like a My Chemical Romance (?) cover of Michael Buble - Feeling Good, and whatever that song was, just didn't seem to fit as well with the scene as different songs could have. There was one other song that didn't seem all that great either..but besides those two songs, it was good.

All in all, this is a dark romantic feel-good-while-being-stabbed-with-a-knife movie, and I'd recommend seeing it.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Goals unmet.

So late Saturday night I decide to make a planned impulse buy for early Sunday morning. I woke up at 6:15AM, and at 6:45AM called a cab to take me to a store. I arrived there at 6:55AM and was greeted by a line of ~10 people waiting outside. After waiting in line for 5 minutes, figuring out whether or not to buy out the entire store's stock of Nintendo Wii's for reselling and a ~$35 cab ride, I found myself back at home with this:

And these:

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Winter Break Goals

Finally on winter break.. and I have some goals for it:

•Register for classes
•Vacuum & Dust my room
•Keep my room clean

•Find a roommate
•Make one new friend
•See as many friends as possible while I actually have free time

•Go up to Beaverton at least once

•Read one book
•Maintain a fairly steady (and normal) sleep schedule
•Work out 5 times a week
•Eat healthier

•Eat out less
•Spend less than $100 per month, excluding expenses
•Attempt to budget my money for the next 6 months
•Deposit 50% (Or more) of each paycheck into my savings account
•Never have more than $200 in my checking account, unless it's to pay for bills.
•Sell clothes and shoes

•Finish my concert picture project (Whenever I get my $300 from work)
•Figure out what new phone to get and when to get it
•DJ for at least 5 hours per week
•Reformat my desktop????